
Friday, April 22, 2011

Garden Update

So here we are, one week after planting, with our first garden update! I could have updated everyone on the garden four days ago. No lie. Apparently cucumber and zucchini plants grow really.. really.. fast.
Day 3
Did I expect to see anything growing in three days? Holy cow no way. I expected tiny tiny barely visible is-that-a-leaf-or-a-piece-of-lint sprouts in, I dunno, a couple weeks? Wow I definitely did NOT expect to have such big, strong, healthy looking sprouts from MULTIPLE veggies! There are cucumbers (the tallest) and next to those, the zucchini, and at the bottom right, a small green bean sprout.

Day 6
This is what I came home to tonight. Giant cuke plants (I should probably transplant them tomorrow), the zucchini are on their way, and look at our little bean plant standing tall (with another one on it's way). If you look really hard, you can see a little teenie tiny sprout of baby spinach! I'd circle it for you, but that requires opening up Photoshop and connecting my tablet and I'm just too lazy right now.

Day 6
Tiny tiny carrot sprouts! I'm excited to have fresh carrots, but sad that I will only get six of them. :(

Day 6
Tiny tiny tomato sprouts! I'm really excited about tomatoes, not because I like them (I actually hate them) but because they're so pretty to look at. There's something about tomatoes on the vine that I just think is so pretty.

And there you have it! My garden thusfar. We still haven't had any pepper, jalepeno, or scallion sightings. I don't expect the scallions any time soon, but I'm really excited for the bell peppers, as they are my favourite vegetable.

I guess I have to say that if anyone is thinking about starting a veggie garden, starting the seeds off in the peat moss greenhouse thingies really work! It's also been really rainy and cloudy this past week. Mostly everything shot up today because they actually got to see sun and it warmed up their little hut nicely. I also talk to them, and tell them how awesome they are and that I love them. Try it! (They also like to be misted.)

Happy Gardening!

:: Celeste

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